At the recent Budapest conference, I must admit to having been impressed with the range and quality of bloggers who attended. From a wide range of political background, everybody had a different take on blogging and the future of it.
Former Labour PPC and newly elected Oxford City Councillor (sound familiar, replace Tory for Labour and Norwich for Oxford...) Antonia Bance was an extremely passionate advocate of blogging but was having a moral dilema about where her blog should go. Read it here and decide but I feel she does the political stuff so well that it would be a shame if her blog got lost in a miriad of wobbly paving stones.
Also I met the wonderful Gavin Ayling, who proudly boasts of being on Adur (where?!?) District Council where opposition has almost been outlawed and he himself was unopposed as Tory Councillor for somewhere extremely safe and posh sounding. Despite his liberal conservative leanings, Gavin mostly uses his blog to push the issue of a Parliament for England. Despite the late night and rather boozy debates I am still not too sure on this issue but maybe reading his blog could turn my head on the issue? Read it here.
p.s. Also good to talk to was Matt Ellis, Deputy Leader of Litchfield Council, who is working on his blog at the moment.
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