Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Evening News "Reclaim our Communities" Campaign

Big congratulations to the Evening News for their “Reclaim our Communities” campaign. As ever, the Evening News is far more in touch with the views of the decent hard working majority of local people than our New Labour Government is.

The Norwich Conservatives strongly support the campaign – at the beginning of the summer David Cameron highlighted the need to create a culture where people accept responsibility more. Responsibility for themselves, their families and their communities.

What is worrying, and I have found this since being elected as a Councillor in May, is the number of people who have totally lost faith in the Police. We all need to have a great amount of respect and trust in the way that the Police work in order for our streets to be kept safe. In order to regain that respect and trust, the police need to be more responsive in the way that they deal with anti-social behaviour.

People need to report anti-social behaviour whenever and wherever it occurs. If the Evening News log helps the police to be more proactive and clamp down on criminal behaviour then I wish it every success.

However, it must be clear that if people report it then the police must deal with it. If the police do not take this chance to work with local people, goodwill soon dries up and they’ll wonder why people don’t report crime anymore.

The Evening News have done their bit, the people of Norwich I hope will do theirs – I trust the police will do theirs also.


Anonymous said...

It's not just anti-social behaviour - I've lost all faith in the police simply because they never seem to do anything about anything; we don't have a 'local' policeman and in order to speak to someone (despite the fact that my town has over 4000 residents) I have to ring a town which is a 20 minute drive away!

It's also a question of respect - there's no point in the riot van being situated in my town centre every friday night, if the drunkards and the 'yobs' have little or no respect for the police officers; it won't give them any incentive to improve their behaviour.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Everyone should get behind this Campaign and report all the many small things that get ignored. Zero Tolerance.

Anonymous said...

Your piece even got Soapboxed by EEN's editor David Bourn.