Friday, July 07, 2006

Tory member quits to join Greens

The most remarkable thing about David Cameron's time so far as Tory leader is the impact he has had on our membership, which has risen by 25,000 nationally (we now have more members than Labour and the LibDems put together) and also shot up by well over 100 locally.

It seems odd to note that one of our members, who joined when Michael Howard became leader, had written to resign saying she is going to become a Green member. Her reason is the lack of Conservative policies, the failure of the Labour government and the fact that the LibDems are "nutcases".

In past posts I have spoken about why parties should beware people like Susan Curran and Dawn Castle-Green who "party-hop" around the City. Adrian Ramsay will be pleased with his new recruit but should be aware that - as she quit Labour to join us under the new right-wing leadership of Howard - he should be cautious and maybe save celebrating until she realises what the Green Party stands for.

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