Today has been a real treat as a family day. This morning we went to Emily's NCT 2nd Birthday Party and had a fantastic time up to our knees in toys, jelly and sausage rolls. There was even a bouncy castle which Emily loved ... but Daddy wasn't allowed on (no fun, some people!) We hadn't seen some of the kids in 6 months and boy had they changed. Our NCT group is a lovely band and we all get on really well. The picture is from our last beach-walk in Holkham, North Norfolk. We are hoping to go back to there in early June this year too. The NCT was a really important part of having our first child because we all got the chance to share ideas, questions, concerns and fears. The group has stayed together really well and all the kids get on. In fact three couples, including us, now have two babes and another two are currently pregnant ... so it is more like NCT 2nd Generation some time! The NCT also offers a lot of support, especially with breast feeding, but the regular get togethers and toy sales give a welcome relief particularly in those difficult first few months. We have been lucky with our group but would highly recommend the organisation to any parent. Plus we were very fortunate to have the excellent Ann Roberts as our class teacher, who in a Norfolk-is-a-small-place kind of way is also parent to one of my students!
This afternoon we caught up with friends and chatted the evening away ... heavy doses of plotting and planning of drinking sessions! I find it slightly worrying, but equally reassuring, that we want to do dinner parties rather than mad nights out clubbing. I had one of the latter last week and felt bad for about 16 hours afterwards!
However I think my stomach better get used to it with a certain drinking partner set to move in around the corner ;-)
Hey-ho, back to work tomorrow...
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