I have just spent the weekend doing very, very little to do with politics. Bit of a strange feeling actually because I have suddenly found time to do other things. Add to that the strange world that is school without my year group (on work experience) and my life has felt oddly void at the moment.
Of course I spent this evening watching the wonderful sight of England thrashing Croatia (hurrah!) and planning newly elected Conservative Councillor Eve Collishaw's first toe in the pool of the City Council. We're going for a big launch to begin with!
I had a letter in the EDP today calling for the money from the means tested pension credit to be put straight into the basic state pension. Got a really good reception when people read it - means testing is simply not popular, and the massive admin cost of the scheme could really boost pensioner income. Pity they cut the bit about linking pensions with wages not inflation, but can't have everything.
Right, off to bed now to think about tomorrow - teaching during the day and a night at the South Norfolk Conservative Councillors meeting and BBQ. Hurrah!
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