Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Much has been done over the last week, at least some of it involving DIY, which is why posts have been a bit thin. Last week we got the good news that the baby has turned (“the baby IS for turning”!) and is (apparently) three fifths engaged. Which is nice. Carpets are being laid, the house is a mess, as am I.

On Saturday we had one of the biggest Action Days in the constituency for a long time. In the morning we canvassed nearly the whole of Eaton Rise and got an excellent response. The last time I canvassed Eaton Rise was a couple of years ago and the response was dodgy to poor. This time people are openly switching to us. One now-ex LibDem voter was shocked at their soft crime policies. Another lady, an ex-LibDem, said that Howard’s stand on immigration had bought her back. In the afternoon we canvassed the Golden Triangle and the flats behind Chapelfield. There was an interesting comparison between the two. The biggest issues in both the morning and afternoon were crime, pensions and the NHS.

To my surprise on ending up in the office last night, there are still surveys being returned at a steady rate (this is a fortnight after the launch). Spent last night designing 4 newsletters and making dozens of phone calls. We have lots of new deliverers and am planning a delivery action day soon.

I have been working this week on a project with the wonderful Rita Stevens, who is campaigning to save Ellacombe House in Thorpe Hamlet from the NHS Mental Health Trusts axe. Rita is fighting an uphill battle but with the support of the community I am sure that minds can be changed.

Looks of funny looks around school due to a certain article in the Advertiser about sausages … always reminds me of that Blackadder III episode …

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