Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Not Wanted: Teachers as Norwich City Councillors

Two further bizarre moments at tonight's meeting. Firstly a question from LibDem Chris Thomas asking for attendance statistics at licensing meetings. Surprisingly as they are held during the day, both members who are serving teachers (myself and Green Cllr Stephnson) scored 0%. Then later in debate Labour Cllr Ferris questioned why I didn't attend a meeting held at lunchtime. The answer was, surprise, surprise, that I was at school and most probably teaching a class.

Clearly Labour and the LibDems believe that this is a weak spot and intend to exploit it. I say that discrimination against my employment is wrong and people will see that. I give hours upon hours to this job but sorry, I cannot attend when I should be at school. Now people knew about my job before I was elected and still voted for me. If they should change their mind I trust they will vote me out in 2010.

Can you imagine the reaction of a parent whose child was NOT being taught because I had to dash off for council duties?

Now, either the opposition parties pack it in or we have to look at the scheduling of meetings. But either way, Labour and the LibDems have made clear tonight: Teachers aren't welcome on Norwich City Council.


Anonymous said...

And they want to become a unitary authority....I imagine the majority of broadland and South Norfolk residents don't want this bunch of vicious egocentrical losers running their services.

If Mrs Ferris wants to see Self seeking self publicity she should look at Mr R Blower and Mr S Morphew. They also in the paper, last seen signing a good luck card for Norwich City...Important council business...NOT.

Anonymous said...

Having been taught by both yourself and Cllr Stephenson, I can say that their attitude is disgusting - I used to attend her literature meetings at lunchtimes, like you said I can't imagine my parents being particularly impressed if a dedicated teacher was forced to call off a lunchtime club on a whim of the City Council.

Anonymous said...

Thats ridiculous, what happened to Labour's "education, education, education"?! It's much easier to schedule a meeting at another time than have you pulled out of a lesson and arrange cover, disrupting the education of your students. *screams profanities*