Monday, February 07, 2011

What the Shoemaker Pub site doesn't need right now ... is a mobile phone mast

More on this story on South Norwich News and the Norwich Conservatives site, but it strikes me as mad that after all the work that the community and Conservative councillors did getting the site to be ready for house building, a 50ft phone mast is considered to be suitable right outside their windows.

I genuinely hope that Labour, who last time there was a controversial mast application in Bowthorpe abstained on the final vote (much to anger of the community), come off the fence and get involved in our campaign this time.


Bert Bremner said...

I genuinely hope that Labour, who last time there was a controversial mast application in Bowthorpe abstained on the final vote (much to anger of the community), come off the fence and get involved in our campaign this time.

I would genuinely like to know when that was etc. Feel Free to e-mail me Anthony

Antony said...

I have no problem with it being public Bert; 2002 (or maybe it just fell in '03?) Bowthorpe Southern Park, then-Cllr Ron Borrett (Lab, Bowthorpe) abstained on the planning committee allowing it to go through by a single vote.

Bert Bremner said...

Thanks Anthony - that was before I got involved in masts in my area. Helpful information I didn't know.

Chris Bardell said...

Here's how local politics works:

1. Put up an article containing a lot of silly, pious guff (Mr. Wiltshire). Ensure emotive phrases such as "threat to our community", "blight the area" are used.

2. Ensure the article contains phrases such as "many people have told me", to give the impression of wide public support.

3. Ensure the article contains a section which scores points against your opposition party.

4. Finish off the article with an advert for one of your own party's policies.

Does this sort of article actually achieve anything? Genuine question.

Anonymous said...

A little blog - RIP?