Amongst those absolutely certain to vote:
Labour 39, Conservative 20, Green 19, LibDem 19
(Can't win here? - hardly)
I am very interested by this poll. We’ve heard a lot from other parties about tactical voting. Maybe now we can tell the people of Norwich South to vote for the party whose policies they most believe in or whose candidate they most wish to see as our MP – a real choice for local people?
All that money and Simon Wright can't even beat the Tories in Norwich.
He's never going anywhere is he?
Yes - the message at the start of the campaign is that for all their efforts the LDs have no chance of the breakthrough. As the campaign hots up it'll be Con or Grn challenging Clarke.
Shoe-in for Clark then
It's all over bar second place.
Seems like the people still choose Clarke
I think "cant win here but could come a distant second" is about right for the Lib dems, greens and conservatives
This Poll is pretty much as it is.
Conservatives are second, just by 1%; but massively behind Labour and Clarke. The previous high Liberal vote for the previous double barrelled named chap, now in Suffolk, seems to have split more evenly for conservatives and greens.
I like Antony as a candidate, but hugely dislike the conservative manifesto that cuts people free to scarper to the life rafts, sacks the crew and argue whos rowing and on the tiller. That change is irresponsible!
What is required is more folk in the engine room of RMS Liner UK pumping out the flooded bilge keels, with a few bonus bankers, cheating MPs and pampered celebrities getting their sleeves rolled up.
Additionally I'm pro Norwich Unitary so likely to vote for a strong Unitary candidate. Indeed unitary being the most important event with regards Norwich's future; this election should effectively be a referendum on Unitary. Yea or Nay! Thus folk who wish to turn back to the present arragement have the choice to vote Conservative/Antony for their say.
My choice I guess would be Clarke again (a good listener in surgery); or if one wanted something different/Martin Belleqse for Norwich; Ramsay and Greens.
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