Friday, April 09, 2010

Campaign Diary - Day Four

Today has been a day for catching up, to reflect on the campaign so far and to plan for the days ahead.

So whilst the team were out delivering in the Golden Triangle, we were sitting down and working out the messages and themes for the day ahead. We took delivery of our next leaflet - if I may say an excellent A3 newsletter focusing on the economy, NHS and my record in Norwich. All very positive. You'll see this going through doors in the next couple of weeks.

From there we went door to door delivering letters and leaflets to New Costessey. We picked up an extra deliverer and it is good to see more Tory posters up. Issues raised included immigration, Labour's NI rise and what we are calling the "real life experience" debate - should an MP have done something before going into politics, with more and more candidates being "career politicans"? As always in Costessey there was plenty of debate!

We then hit the phones, talking to people across the City. I was telephoning members to thank them for their support - so many more people want to help at this election! It was at this time that the MORI poll for Norwich South, showing an increased Labour majority, myself in second place but the collapse of the LibDem vote, and so the media went mad for comment.

Tonight I was insistent that for the first major canvassing session we went back to where it started for me, politically - Three Score in Bowthorpe. This is where Louise and I had our first home. It is great going there, not only because of the number of Tory pledges, but because of the famililar faces and being the ward Councillor so seeing people that I have helped over the years. It took ages - of course - to get round, but more posters went up and we had an incredible canvass. Again issues were along familiar lines - economy, crime and tax.

Am trying to get an early night - I have 4 campaign stops tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I am enjoying these daily reports - much more open than the other candidates.

Paul said...


I'm disappointed with somebody! :)

Wasn't there a long prominent timber fence on the Unthank Road that had 3 Conservative poster boards fixed to it the other day - including one with a picture of you?

The eldest (10) is showing some interest in the election and was looking forward to seeing what the Tory posterboard looked like. I said we can see one round the corner and "you can see what Antony Little looks like".

So today they weren't there!

Is there anything to read into this...

Interestingly, I don't know about yours but the fact that the Green Party posterboards have Green Party on them seems to make an inpression on the 5 year old who probably thinks that lots of Green Parties are taking place in peoples homes". This is a great tactic from the Greens - get them when they're young!

Antony said...

Paul; it's still there! Plus plenty more round the City ...

My kids just know the parties by colours - Daddy's a blue!!

Red Star said...

To be honest I have not seen many Conservative poster-boards up in my part of Norwich. However its been a traditional Labour stronghold since I can remember.

I still think that there is a greater chance that Charles Clarke will be re-elected in Norwich South. I don't think he is as Democratic Socialist as I like him to be, but we could do worse.

I have found the Green Party in Norwich growing from strength to strength.
It's interesting that the Green Party has stated they will keep public spending at its current level and not reduce it. Something I think should be applauded. Plus, there seems to be sound economic reasoning, plus a bold approach to increase taxation on the highest income earners. Progressive taxation is what I like to hear. I say that should at least gain some credit. reduce the deficit now will HARM THE RECOVERY! FACT. You cannot get away from that. If you take away the financial support given, the economy will dip into double digit decline.

Other economies such as the USA and Japan have higher budget deficits than us, with the USA recovering from one of the worst recessions. Taking away support now will harm economic growth.

Paul said...


I have recently had to get stronger lenses for my specs but...

Leaving Norwich on the Unthank Road just past Grosvenor Road definitely 3 of your boards on a timber fence the other day that aren't there now.

Anyway, I was between Dereham Rd and Waterworks Rd today putting up Green Party boards and I did see one of yours on Turner Road - very nice I have to say - puts the Green ones to shame! But the Green posterboards are a unique collection of recycled scrap wood.

As previously mentioned if this election were to be determined solely on 'design' then it would be hard not to vote for you :)