Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Another day, another Lib Dem defection...

Yesterday the LibDem Group Leader on Sedgemoor Councillor quit and joined the Tories; a pretty impressive move for a group leader in many ways. Apparently he wasn't happy with the way that the LibDems were moving nationally.

Then Richmond Councillor Marc Cranfield Adams announced he was defecting to the Tories during a full council meeting (what a show off!). And now we hear that Cllr Janet Hedges, of Epping Forest, is Cameron's newest recruit.

Does all this matter? I used to think not, but a friend of mine pointed out that Thatcher's political base in 76-79 was built upon defections because people move towards the winners. The Sun is now backing Boris (the first Conservative endorsement since before 1997) and now the Telegraph is openly talking about the first parliamentary defection to the Conservatives (we've had a couple of MEPs but no MPs as yet).

Picking off LibDems, who are let's face it, struggling to say the least, is the easy bit - can Cameron start to lure Labour?


Anonymous said...

I am sad you focus only on the big whigs that defect. I voted for Niki George today after YEARS upon YEARS of voting Labour. If my support isn't welcome then that's a shame.

Anonymous said...

Well I voted Niki via postal as Brown labour needs reminding of democracy and to listen, which he has a poor record of. Sorry Brenda, you are the weakest, complacent and nearest link for me, your fired (no X from me.

Niki George said...

First of all I would like to thank you for your support and assure you that both I and the Norwich Conservatives are very grateful for the warm welcome we have recieved on the doorsteps. I am glad that I am a viable alternative to Labour in the ward and hope to continue the improvements the Conservatives have brought to both Bowthorpe and Norwich. It is voters such as yourself who bring about real change for the better. Thank you!

Nich Starling said...

Antony, I sent you a comment to this story and it has not been published. Why is this ?

Antony said...

Hi Nich
I haven't recieved one; I have checked - as you know I publish everything people have to say. Sorry; is it worth re-typing?