Trevor and I are honest friends - I think that is a really difficult seat and he has one hell of a fight ahead of him. Trevor needs to work 24/7 on this one, but I have total confidence in him to really take the fight to Lamb. Trevor has been very brave taking a seat like this on, after all he follows the class political act of Iain Dale, and I am sure that local people will warm to him. Trevor and Lisa are now planning their move 20 miles North!
Trevor is a great champion of the Conservative cause ... North Norfolk should be proud to have him!
Indeed congatulations to Trevor for his selection, but this does seem a rather light-weight selection for such a seat, which was after all Conservative until 2001. Has Trevor actually achieved anything in business, council-work, etc?
Mr Ivory seem a rather odd choice considering his age, lack of experience and rather stupid first comment in the EDP "Nasty Mister Lamb" ... not a wise choice for the party. But them, I'm safe here in Norwich South where we always have a good candidate! LOL
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