Sunday, January 30, 2005

The week in figures:

Number of room stripped of delicious woodchip covering: one
Number of doors knocked on in Eaton & Cringleford: Too many to count
Number of carpets pulled up: one
Number of trips to Mile Cross Tip: Two
Number of leaflets delivered: Errrmmm, lots and lots
Number of books marked: Now you're talking a really big number!
Number of Labour Councilllors committed to opening the Bus Lane in Bowthorpe: None
Number of Tory PPCs committed to opening the Bus Lane in Bowthorpe: One
Number of games of GameCube: None (pleasingly addiction over)
Number of LibDem Council Leaders quitting: None
Number of LibDem Council Leaders or Councillors apologetic for absolute disasters in City: None
Number of Governing Body Meetings Attended: One
Number of Ante-Natal classes: One

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