Sunday, July 18, 2004

Nice weather for a Tory BBQ!  Last night we had a “thank you” party for everybody that helped during the recent local elections.  A great turnout and (as yet) Councillor Collishaw hasn’t managed to poison anybody – although her party trick of dropping all the food in the hot charcoal raised a few laughs.  Typically the heavens opened and a large group of Tories end up huddling under far-too-few umbrellas for safety.  Who would have thought that climate change could have had such an impact on Eaton already?  The prize for “most plucky Briton” must go to Mr Gaymer – for it took more than a shock lightening storm to prevent him from eating his dinner and the stout chap sat in his garden chair and munching on half a burnt sausage with only a child’s umbrella to fend off the weather.

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