Sunday, February 29, 2004

Another typical Sunday in the Little household. The revelations from Clare Short on the Dimbleby programme managed to ruin my whole afternoon through constant thought about the exact level of corruption in this Blair government. Managed to get out and take some photos of bus stops (for my next leaflet). Oooh, the excitement. Spent the rest of the day watching the snow slowly melt.

The press are being very nice to us at the moment – the Evening News made me a Councillor this week and North Norfolk Radio has made Iain Dale the MP! Still, they are the jobs we’ll have pretty soon anyway so what does it matter?

My teaching union, the NASUWT, has sent me an e-mail asking me to sign up to a campaign against false allegations that are made by pupils about teachers. I once suffered a very serious allegation from a year 9 boy that turned out to be totally untrue and completely baseless. Did I get an apology? No, my reputation was dragged through the mud and the school were put in a very difficult position on the basis of a total lie. I totally support the NASUWT on this one and think government should be looking a lot more closely at protecting teachers in such circumstances. It strikes me that we need to protect vulnerable children and also protect teachers against malicious children. They do lie and they can ruin careers (note to self: remember the case of the Norwich head accused of trying to force a fish’s head down a boys throat that was (again) a completely made up story). It isn’t easy, but I hope that the government and the unions are working hard because it really does matter.

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